
Bangladesh to retain fame as sustainable apparel sourcing designation: BGMEA

The apparel industry of Bangladesh is firmly committed to carrying forward the achievements that have earned it global accolades as a safe and sustainable industry in the world, said Faruque Hassan, President of BGMEA.

Faruque Hassan made the remarks while speaking at a textile round table on ‘The road to sustainability and transparent supply chain’. This event was organized by OAV- German Asia-Pacific Business Association, the German importers and the Embassy of Bangladesh in Berlin and hosted by Wünsche Group on June 3.

He further added‘’ While our achievements make us immensely proud, they also inspire us to dream bigger and strengthen our tenacity to continue pursuance of excellence to retain the fame of Bangladesh as a safe and sustainable apparel sourcing destination in the world.”

Other speakers at this round table were Md. Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan, NDC, Ambassador of Bangladesh to Germany; Miran Ali, Vice President, BGMEA; Christian Moritz, Managing Director of Fashion, Wunsche Gruppe; Almut Roessner, Executive Board Member, OAV; Dr Michael Arretz, CEO, VFI; Christian Ewert, Global Director, TEDD – Trusted Experts on Due Diligence and Md. Saiful Islam, Commercial Counselor, Embassy of Bangladesh in Berlin.

In his speech, Faruque Hassan highlighted Bangladesh’s LEED factories and BGMEA’s pledge to the UN Fashion industry charter for Climate Action with a commitment to facilitate a reduction of 30% GHG emissions in the industry. He also expressed that currently all factory inspection reports are public and are available online.


Photo Courtesy: Canva

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