
EU Reveals ‘Sustainable’ Fashion Push

On Wednesday 30 Mar 2022 EU announced proposals to crack down on “fast fashion” by making clothing recyclable and more durable. This is a part of a push to bolster environmental standards.

This is in line with EU countries trying to change ‘take, make, break, and throw away that is harmful to the planet.

The plan, which will now be negotiated by EU member states and lawmakers, aims to ensure that by 2030 textiles sold in the EU will be made as much as possible from recycled fibres and cut down on the number of hazardous microplastics they contain.

The proposal would introduce new labelling on cloths detailing how easily they can be recycled and how environmentally friendly they are. This would also ban the destruction of unsold products “under certain conditions”.

According to the EU, textiles have the "fourth-highest impact on the environment and climate change" across its 27 nations after food, housing and transport. Furthermore, 35% of the microplastics released into the environment come from polyester or acrylic-based clothing.

EU plans to tighten its requirements on product design by imposing the use of more durable, resistant and recycled materials.

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